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Do you have a specific question about cosmetic surgery (breast augmentation, facelift, abdominoplasty, brazilian butt lift, liposuction, etc.) or an aesthetic medical procedure (lip injections/lip fillers, wrinkle treatment, botox, mesotherapy, etc.)?

Use the form below to contact Dr. Benhamou, and he’ll do his best to get back to you as soon as possible. Please include information about the type of procedure you’re interested in, and attach a photo of the area to be treated for more personalized advice.

You can also request an appointment for an initial consultation. This will include a thorough examination in which you’ll get Dr. Benhamou’s expert advice on what’s best for you, followed by a full explanation of the procedure, an estimate and the availability of the surgeon’s calendar for a possible intervention. You’ll also be able to find out whether you can apply for social security cover for your plastic surgery procedure.

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